




Gospel Singer Kimdanny is Not Losing Faith Anytime Soon

Sometimes life knocks you down but you should never remain down and downtrodden. It’s the same thing that happened to young Gospel singer Kimdanny.

“My mum is a very prayerful woman”, begins Kimdanny in his testimony. “I had a very rare skin disease which really affected my childhood. My face was swollen with wounds that spread to my back since Class 8.”

“It was so hard for me to play with other kids as they all ran away and this really lowered my self esteem. I would feel lonely and often asked my mum why it had to be me. We sort medication from different hospitals but nothing worked. My mum never lost hope and taught me how to pray and have faith and encouraged me that one day things will be better. People will follow me and not reject me!”

After years of struggle with the disease and nothing seemed to work, things started looking up when he was in Form 3 in High School.

“Days passed and years went by but nothing changed. Then in Form 3, the disease started disappearing and today I am very fine.”

 He adds, “I remember those days in primary and high school where I used to pray since my mum would encourage me but I almost lost faith because nothing seemed to work. However, my mum would encourage me saying, ‘Nina Imani’ you will be okay and become a great person in future.”

This story is what formed the basis of his latest song, “Nina Imani”. Check it out;

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